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1 used BMW ActiveHybrid 7 have been price checked

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Buy a used BMW ActiveHybrid 7

Interested in getting a used hybrid car? Then the German BMW ActiveHybrid 7 is an excellent option. In total, there are 1 used BMW ActiveHybrid 7s for sale on AutoUncle in the UK.

What is the cost of a pre-owned BMW ActiveHybrid 7?

The price tag of a pre-owned BMW ActiveHybrid 7 on AutoUncle is £16,995. The cost of a pre-owned BMW ActiveHybrid 7 is determined by several factors. Key contributing elements include the year of the car, fuel efficiency, the car's mileage along with the level of equipment in the car.

For instance, a younger model with a lower number on the odometer, or higher-end models with more potent engines will typically cost more.

BMW ActiveHybrid 7 equipment level

The following equipment variants are the most populare ones for the BMW ActiveHybrid 7:

In order to find the best sale price, it is crucial only comparing the deals of cars with the same engine and equipment. If you don't, you may come to a wrong conclusion on which car to acquire.

Growing trend towards hybrid vehicle utilization

The UK's choice of hybrid vehicles is a result of their energy-saving performance, minimized carbon production in contrast to conventional automobiles, and the growing availability of electric charging options, aligning with the country's environmental goals and tax incentives for greener transportation. The embrace of hybrid vehicles such as the BMW ActiveHybrid 7 plays a significant role in the transformation towards more sustainable and greener transportation methods.

View AutoUncle's assortment of hybrid cars here

Advantages of purchasing a pre-owned hybrid car

A considerable number of rewards come from investing in a used hybrid vehicle. To name a few of the positive aspects:

  1. Cost savings on purchase: Used hybrid cars are generally more affordable than new ones. This more modest initial investment can broaden the appeal of hybrid vehicles to a larger customer base.

  2. Environmental benefits: Hybrids offer reduced emission levels in contrast to traditional gasoline or diesel cars. Opting for a pre-owned hybrid lessens the environmental footprint relative to purchasing a brand-new vehicle, as the manufacturing process, particularly for the battery, has a carbon footprint.

  3. Fuel efficiency: Known for their fuel-saving qualities, hybrid cars combine a petrol engine with an electric motor. Such efficient performance can lead to notable savings in fuel costs over a period.

  4. Technological features: Even older hybrid models often come with advanced features, featuring a state-of-the-art driving experience.

  5. Government incentives: In the UK, road tax is often lower for hybrid vehicles due to their lower CO2 emissions. Hybrids could be subject to lower or zero congestion fees in areas like central London, based on their level of emissions.

The BMW ActiveHybrid 7 is popular in the sedan body type

The BMW ActiveHybrid 7 only exists in the sedan body type in the UK. Their four-door design means that saloons and sedans have long been popular with families. The distinct boot compartment ensures that luggage and other items are securely stored, away from the passenger cabin.

Commonly preferred alternatives

The BMW ActiveHybrid 7 has some competing cars from the same segment, with the following cars standing out as commendable substitutes for the BMW ActiveHybrid 7.

Popular alternatives to the BMW ActiveHybrid 7

  • Jaguar XJ
  • Audi A8
  • Audi SQ5

With a current inventory of 400 available models on AutoUncle, the Jaguar XJ firmly establishes itself as the premier alternative to the BMW ActiveHybrid 7. The Jaguar XJ has an average price tag of £9,249.

The Audi A8 stands out as another popular car in the segment with a substantial selection of 372 vehicles currently on the market having an average price tag of £28,000. Another recommended alternative is Audi SQ5 with 362 cars for sale an average price tag of £24,989. .

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