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4 used BMW 318 Compact have been price checked

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Buy a used BMW 318 Compact

Considering the German BMW 318 Compact? There are 1 used BMW 318 Compacts currently available on AutoUncle.

How much does a used BMW 318 Compact go for?

The selling price for a previously owned BMW 318 Compact on AutoUncle is £4,990. A pre-owned BMW 318 Compact is valued at different prices relying on primarily four factors: what year the car is from, fuel consumption of the model, how far the car has travelled not to mention the vehicle's equipment variant.

For example, a younger car with fewer miles on the odometer typically costs more. Likewise, models at the premium end with luxurious features or potent engines tend to come with a more substantial price tag.

Equipment level for BMW 318 Compact

The BMW 318 Compact features one equipment variant titled the BMW 318 Compact Sport Line, which has an average price of £4,990.

As you considers the cost of a used BMW 318 Compact, it's fundamental to compare vehicles with identical engines and equipment. If you don't, you might draw an inaccurate conclusion about which car to buy.

The BMW 318 Compact only exists in the hatchback body configuration

The BMW 318 Compact is only available in the hatchback body type in the UK. Hatchbacks are compact cars that offer a great driving experience, not to mention the flexibility of ample space. They’re fuel efficient and easy to park, which makes them popular with people living in cities.

Popular alternatives for those contemplating a BMW 318 Compact

The BMW 318 Compact faces stiff competition within its segment, and the following cars in particular are good alternatives to the used BMW 318 Compact.

Competing cars for the BMW 318 Compact

  • Audi A4
  • Mercedes C220
  • BMW 320

With a selection of 3,499 available models on AutoUncle, the Audi A4 unequivocally positions itself as the leading alternative to the BMW 318 Compact. The Audi A4 has an average price tag of £16,495.

The next best alternative car is the Mercedes C220 with 3,316 cars for sale at the moment and with an average sales price of £13,990. Another good choice for an alternative car is the BMW 320 with 3,159 cars for sale for the average price of £15,995. .

Pondering the adoption of an electric car?

Are you looking at the BMW 318 Compact but at the same time considering if it's time to switch to an electric car? The BMW 318 Compact is not electrified. But should you be in the market for an electric vehicle in the same category as the BMW 318 Compact, here are some options for you:

Haven't discovered an electric car that suits your preferences? Explore our entire assortment of electric cars here.

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