
1 used Abarth Grande Punto have been price checked

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Interested in finding a great deal on a used Abarth Grande Punto?

Are you thinking of buying a used small car? Then the Abarth Grande Punto is an excellent choice. AutoUncle has 10 used Abarth Grande Punto for sale in the UK, collected from online marketplaces and several dealership websites, which means you get almost a full listing of all used Abarth Grande Punto for sale in the United Kingdom.

How much does a pre-owned Abarth Grande Punto cost?

There are four main parameters which play a crucial role in what a pre-owned Abarth Grande Punto might cost: its year, fuel consumption of the model, how much the car's odometer reads along with the trim level of the car.

The cheapest Abarth Grande Punto that is available here on AutoUncle costs £3,789, while the most expensive model is priced at £7,995.

The majority of Abarth Grande Punto from 2008 has the fuel type petrol

The Abarth Grande Punto petrol drives around 40 miles on the gallon. In comparison, a regular small car drives 44 miles per gallon.

The Abarth Grande Punto only exists as hatchback

Hatchbacks are compact cars that pair great driving with the flexibility of having space. High fuel efficiency makes hatchbacks popular with people living in cities, as does the fact that they’re easy to park.

The most popular colour is red

You can get the latest generation of Abarth Grande Punto in 2 different colours and they are red and white.

The colour you will find the most Abarth Grande Punto of here on AutoUncle is red, as we have 4 cars available in that colour for the moment.

Red is a beautiful colour, and the darker the colour is, the less washing and cleaning the car needs, as it can be quite hard to spot dirt and mud.

The second most popular colour is white with 3 cars for sale in the UK.

A popular alternative to Abarth Grande Punto is the Ford Fiesta

The Abarth Grande Punto has some competing cars from the same segment and among the most popular alternatives to the Abarth Grande Punto you will find the following cars.

Alternative cars to the Abarth Grande Punto

  • Ford Fiesta
  • VW Polo
  • Mini Cooper
  • Renault Clio

The bestselling small car and a popular alternative to the Abarth Grande Punto is the Ford Fiesta. It has an average sale price of £ 14,997 and right now you can find 18,414 for sale on AutoUncle.

The second most popular car is the VW Polo with 10,456 cars for sale, and the 3rd top selling car in the segment is a Mini Cooper. At AutoUncle you can currently find 7,812 of this car for sale.

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