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3 used Abarth Punto Evo have been price checked

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Are you in the market for a used Abarth Punto Evo?

Considering buying a used hybrid car? Then the Italian Abarth Punto Evo is a good decision. AutoUncle has 3 used Abarth Punto Evoes for sale in UK.

How much does a used Abarth Punto Evo go for?

The average price of a used Abarth Punto Evo on AutoUncle is £6,990. The used car price for a Abarth Punto Evo depends on four primary factors: the year the model is from, the car's fuel consumption, vehicle mileage as well as the level of equipment in the car.

For instance, a more recent model with limited mileage, or a premium variant featuring a powerful engine, typically commands a higher price.

The Abarth Punto Evo is limited to the hatchback body type

In the UK, the Abarth Punto Evo is exclusively offered in the hatchback body style. Hatchbacks are excellent compact cars that combine great driving with the flexibility of ample space. They are very popular with people living in cities, as they are typically fuel efficient and easy to park.

Commonly preferred alternatives

There are multiple similar cars to the Abarth Punto Evo, and the following cars, in particular, serve as excellent alternatives to this small car.

Well-liked options instead of the Abarth Punto Evo

  • Ford Fiesta
  • VW Polo
  • Peugeot 208

With a current inventory of 10,228 available models on AutoUncle, the Ford Fiesta firmly establishes itself as the premier alternative to the Abarth Punto Evo. The Ford Fiesta boasts an average price tag of £7,999.

In the segment, the VW Polo notably captures attention as a preferred choice, presenting a considerable array of 5,499 units presently available for acquisition with an average sales price of £12,471. The Peugeot 208 holds its ground as the third most attractive option with an average sales price of £10,995 and 3,065 units presently on offer in the UK. .

Considering an electric car?

Are you examining the Abarth Punto Evo whilst also pondering if it's time to switch to an electric vehicle? The Abarth Punto Evo hasn’t transitioned to electric. But if the Abarth Punto Evo not is your definitive choice then, we have a list of electric vehicle recommendations for you of the same car segment, the B-segment. Presented here are:

Still struggling to find an electric car that fits your taste? Explore our entire selection of electric cars here.

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