
6 used Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer have been price checked

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Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer information

Looking for the best deal on a used car? There are 5 used Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourers currently available on AutoUncle.

What should I pay for a used Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer?

The average price of a used Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer on AutoUncle is £8,995. A pre-owned Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer is being offered at different prices depending on primarily four factors: the year of manufacture, the model's fuel consumption, car mileage along with trim level.

For instance, a younger model with a lower number on the odometer, or more luxurious models with more potent engines will typically fetch a higher price.

Equipment for Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer

The Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer is only available in one trim level called Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer S, which has an average price of £8,485.

As you determine the price of a used Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer, it's necessary to evaluate vehicles with equivalent engines and accessories. If not, you might draw an inaccurate conclusion about which car to acquire.

The Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer only exists as stationcar

In the UK, the Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer is exclusively offered in the stationcar body style. Estates, also known as station wagons, are popular in the current market because they offer the combination of excellent driving capabilities and the advantage of lots of space. Station wagons, SUVs and MPVs tend to be popular with active families.

The most popular colour is white

The Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer is accessible in the following colours: white and green.

On AutoUncle, you can currently find an inventory of 1 Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer models in the white colour option, presenting a substantial selection to choose from. The second most popular colour is green with 1 cars available on AutoUncle.

Pros and cons of the colour white

White is an elegant and classic colour and the advantages of owning a white car are numerous. For example, white cars tend to reflect heat more effectively, which helps keep the interior cooler during hot weather, white cars are often more visible on the road, especially in low-light conditions or adverse weather and they may require less frequent compared to darker colours, as minor imperfections are less noticeable. Conversely, white cars tend to show dirt more readily and demands regular cleaning to maintain its pristine appearance.

Commonly preferred alternatives

Several vehicles that are similar to the Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer are available, with the following cars standing out as commendable substitutes for the Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer.

Preferred alternatives to the Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer

  • Audi A4
  • Mercedes C220
  • BMW 320

The Audi A4 emerges as the foremost choice when seeking an exceptional alternative to the Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer. It has an average sales price of £16,495 and right now you can find 3,499 of this car for sale on AutoUncle.

The Mercedes C220 emerges as a significant contender in the segment, boasting an inventory of 3,316 vehicles presently up for sale on AutoUncle with an average sales price of £13,990. The BMW 320 is the third best alternative. There are currently 3,159 of this car for sale in the UK with an average sales price of £15,995. .

Considering an electric car?

Are you focused on the Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer, but also thinking about the switch to electric motoring? The Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer is not available as an electric car. But if you're in the market for an electric vehicle within the car segment D-segment just like the Vauxhall Insignia Country Tourer, here are som few recommendations:

Didn't find an electric car to your liking? View our complete collection of electric cars here.

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