
1 used Toyota Mark X have been price checked

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Detailed information about the Toyota Mark X

Are you thinking of buying a used medium sized family car? Then the Japanese Toyota Mark X is a popular decision. AutoUncle has 1 used Toyota Mark X for sale in the United Kingdom, each one gathered from an online marketplace or dealership website, providing you with close to a total listing of all pre-owned Toyota Mark X for sale in the country.

What is the cost of a pre-owned Toyota Mark X

The used car price for a Toyota Mark X is influenced by four main factors: year of the car, fuel economy of the model, how many miles the car has travelled together with the trim level of the car.

The oldest and cheapest Toyota Mark X here on AutoUnclecosts £5,495, and the newest and most well-equipped model costs around £5,495.

A popular alternative to the Japanese Toyota Mark X is the VW Golf

There exist several similar cars to the Toyota Mark X and the following cars in particular are good alternatives to the Toyota Mark X.

Recommended alternatives to the Toyota Mark X

  • VW Golf
  • Ford Focus
  • Vauxhall Corsa
  • Mercedes A180

The bestselling small family car and a popular alternative to the Toyota Mark X is the VW Golf. There are 18,410 of this car for sale in the UK right now and the average selling price is £ 25,475.

The 2nd best selling car is the Ford Focus with 16,708 cars currently for sale, and the Vauxhall Corsa is the third most popular car in the segment and thus also a good alternative. There are currently 12,703 of this car for sale in the UK.

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