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3 used Nissan Juke Nismo RS have been price checked

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Are you in the market for a used Nissan Juke Nismo RS?

Are you thinking of purchasing a used hybrid car? Look no further than the Japanese Nissan Juke Nismo RS - an excellent choice! On AutoUncle, you can find 4 used Nissan Juke Nismo RSs for sale in the UK.

What is the cost of a pre-owned Nissan Juke Nismo RS?

The average price of a used Nissan Juke Nismo RS on AutoUncle is £10,999. The cost of a pre-owned Nissan Juke Nismo RS is determined by several factors. Key contributing elements include the year, fuel efficiency of the car, how far the car has travelled along with the level of equipment in the car.

For example, a newer model with low mileage or a premium version equipped with a high-performance engine generally demands a higher price.

Equipment for Nissan Juke Nismo RS

The following equipment variants are the most populare ones for the Nissan Juke Nismo RS:

When looking for the best car deal for a used Nissan Juke Nismo RS, it is crucial only comparing the deals of cars with a similar engine and equipment. Otherwise, you could come to a wrong decision on which car to purchase.

A popular body type for the Nissan Juke Nismo RS is the suv

In the UK, the Nissan Juke Nismo RS is exclusively offered in the suv body style. SUV means Sport Utility Vehicle. This is one of the most popular types of cars available today. Cars of this type are versatile and have a higher ride height than traditional cars, which many people prefer.

The most popular colour is black

The Nissan Juke Nismo RS is offered in the following colours: black and silver.

The most popular colour is black and at present, there are 3 cars available in that particular colour. Silver is the next most popular colour with 1 cars available.

Positive and negative aspects of the colour black

The black colour is popular for good reason. It's beautiful, classic and elegant. However, the colour also has some disadvantages. Notably, black vehicles are more prone to revealing scratches and dents when compared to their lighter counterparts. Moreover, during the summer months, black cars tend to accumulate and retain a significant amount of heat..

Popular alternatives

There are multiple similar cars to the Nissan Juke Nismo RS, with the following cars standing out as commendable substitutes for the Nissan Juke Nismo RS.

Most popular alternatives to the Nissan Juke Nismo RS

  • Nissan Qashqai
  • Kia Sportage
  • Land Rover Range Rover evoque

With a selection of 8,486 available models on AutoUncle, the Nissan Qashqai unequivocally positions itself as the leading alternative to the Nissan Juke Nismo RS. The Nissan Qashqai has an average price tag of £13,599.

The Kia Sportage ranks as the next favoured car, boasting an impressive 5,221 listings currently available for purchase with an average sales price of £15,470. The Land Rover Range Rover evoque holds its ground as the third most attractive option with an average sales price of £16,995 and 5,068 units presently on offer in the UK. .

Weighing up the benefits of an electric car?

Are you interested in the Nissan Juke Nismo RS but also reflecting on the prospect of going electric with your car choice? The Nissan Juke Nismo RS hasn’t transitioned to electric. But if you're in the market for an electric vehicle within the car segment J-segment just like the Nissan Juke Nismo RS, these are some potential options:

Haven't discovered an electric car that catches your eye? Check out our extensive selection of electric cars here.

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