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1 used Mini John Cooper Works Roadster have been price checked

1 used Mini John Cooper Works Roadster have been price checked

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Used Mini John Cooper Works Roadster

Seeking the best value on a second-hand car? In total, there are 3 used Mini John Cooper Works Roadsters for sale on AutoUncle in the UK.

What is the price of a used Mini John Cooper Works Roadster?

The median price for a used Mini John Cooper Works Roadster on AutoUncle is £10,350. There are four primary parameters that affect the price of a used Mini John Cooper Works Roadster: the year the model is from, the car's fuel consumption, how far the car has travelled together with how much equipment the car has.

For example, a newer model with low mileage or a premium version equipped with a high-performance engine generally demands a higher price.

Many consumers like the Mini John Cooper Works Roadster in the cabriolet body type

In the UK, the Mini John Cooper Works Roadster is exclusively offered in the cabriolet body style. If you want to add a new dimension to the driving experiences, then a cabrio or a convertible is the perfect solution. Most cabrio models can be driven year-round these days, thanks to their excellent hoods and weather gear. To strengthen the chassis to make up for the lack of roof, thickener is applied underneath the car, which means that convertibles are often heavier than normal cars.

Popular alternatives for those contemplating a Mini John Cooper Works Roadster

There are various similar cars to the Mini John Cooper Works Roadster, with the following cars standing out as commendable substitutes for the Mini John Cooper Works Roadster.

Recommended alternatives to the Mini John Cooper Works Roadster

  • BMW 420
  • Audi TT
  • Mazda MX5

For those exploring alternatives to the Mini John Cooper Works Roadster, the BMW 420 distinguishes itself as the leading option. There are 1,740 of this car for sale in the UK right now and the average selling price is £18,000.

The Audi TT ranks as the next favoured car, boasting an impressive 1,736 listings currently available for purchase with an average sales price of £15,495. Another good choice for an alternative car is the Mazda MX5 with 902 cars for sale for the average price of £12,782. .