
1 used Lexus IS200d have been price checked

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Looking for a used Lexus IS200d at an unbeatable price?

Interested in the Japanese Lexus IS200d? In total, there are 2 used Lexus IS200ds for sale on AutoUncle in the UK.

How much does a used Lexus IS200d cost?

The average price of a used Lexus IS200d on AutoUncle is £2,095. The cost of a pre-owned Lexus IS200d is determined by several factors. Key contributing elements include the year, the car's fuel consumption, the car's mileage as well as equipment variant.

For example, a younger car with fewer miles on the odometer will typically cost more. Similarly, higher-end models with more luxurious features or more powerful engines tend to come with a heftier price tag.

The Lexus IS200d is solely produced as a sedan

The Lexus IS200d is only offered in the sedan body type in the UK. The saloon's adaptable design serves a variety of purposes, from everyday commuting to extended trips, standing as an emblem of both sophistication and functionality in the motoring realm.

Prefered alternatives to the Japanese Lexus IS200d

There are several similar cars to the Lexus IS200d, with the following cars standing out as commendable substitutes for the Lexus IS200d.

Well-liked options instead of the Lexus IS200d

  • Audi A4
  • Mercedes C220
  • BMW 320

With a current inventory of 3,499 available models on AutoUncle, the Audi A4 firmly establishes itself as the premier alternative to the Lexus IS200d. The Audi A4 has an average price tag of £16,495.

The Mercedes C220 ranks as the next favoured car, boasting an impressive 3,316 listings currently available for purchase with an average sales price of £13,990. Another good choice for an alternative car is the BMW 320 with 3,159 cars for sale for the average price of £15,995. .

Searching for a greener substitute to the Lexus IS200d?

Are you examining the Lexus IS200d whilst also considering a shift to an electric vehicle? The Lexus IS200d is not available as an electric car. But if you're in the market for an electric vehicle within the car segment D-segment just like the Lexus IS200d, here are some few suggestions:

Haven't spotted the perfect electric car yet? Examine our full lineup of electric cars here.

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