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230 HP (169 kW) - 44.1 Mpg
230 HP (169 kW) - 42.2 Mpg
230 HP (169 kW) - 38.2 Mpg
261 HP (191 kW)
227 HP (166 kW)
34 g CO2/km comb. - 298 HP (219 kW)
32 g CO2/km comb. - 139 HP (102 kW)
131 g CO2/km comb. - 227 HP (166 kW) - 49.6 Mpg
261 HP (191 kW) - 39.0 Mpg
31 g CO2/km comb. - 262 HP (192 kW) - 39.0 Mpg
230 HP (169 kW) - 48.7 Mpg
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