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85 used BMW 118 Cabriolet have been price checked

85 used BMW 118 Cabriolet have been price checked

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Are you in the market for a used BMW 118 Cabriolet?

Looking for the best deal on a used car? AutoUncle has 92 used BMW 118 Cabriolets for sale in UK. This aggregates listings from different online platforms and dealership websites, meaning you get nearly a total listing of all available pre-owned BMW 118 Cabriolet for sale in the country.

How much does a used BMW 118 Cabriolet go for?

The pricing range for a used BMW 118 Cabriolet model at AutoUncle will cater to a diverse selection of budgetary requirements. Currently, the prices for these pre-owned vehicles start at £3,495 and go up to £7,995.

There exist four primary elements which have an impact on what a used BMW 118 Cabriolet costs: the year the model is from, fuel consumption, car mileage not to mention the trim level of the car.

For example, a car that's younger with fewer miles on the odometer will typically cost more. Likewise, models at the higher end boasting luxurious features or more powerful engines will also carry a heftier price tag.

Equipment for BMW 118 Cabriolet

The most popular equipment variants for the BMW 118 Cabriolet are:

When reviewing the price points of used BMW 118 Cabriolet cars, it is important only comparing the sale prices of cars with a similar engine and equipment variant. Otherwise, you might reach a wrong conclusion on which car to acquire.

Many consumers like the BMW 118 Cabriolet in the cabriolet body type

The BMW 118 Cabriolet is only available in the cabriolet body type in the UK. A cabrio or a convertible is a fantastic way to give the driving experience a new dimension. These days, most cabrio models have excellent hoods and weather gear, making them suitable for driving year-round. It’s worth noting that convertibles tend to be heavier than normal cars due to the lack of roof, as thickener is applied underneath the car to strengthen the chassis.

Black is the most popular choice of colour

You can get the BMW 118 Cabriolet in the following colours: black, white, silver, blue, grey and red.

The most popular colour is black and right now, you can find 29 cars in that colour. The second most favoured colour choice is white with a selection of 17 cars, while silver secures the third spot with 16 car available.

Advantages and drawbacks of the colour black

Black is a classic and elegant colour. One disadvantage is that black cars are more prone to showing scratches and dents compared to lighter shades, and on top of that, they have a tendency to get quite hot during the summer..

Other options relevant for you if your are reviewing a BMW 118 Cabriolet

The BMW 118 Cabriolet faces stiff competition within its segment, with the following cars standing out as commendable substitutes for the BMW 118 Cabriolet.

Well-liked options instead of the BMW 118 Cabriolet

  • Ford Focus
  • Vauxhall Corsa
  • VW Golf VII

With a selection of 8,467 available models on AutoUncle, the Ford Focus unequivocally positions itself as the leading alternative to the BMW 118 Cabriolet. The Ford Focus boasts an average price tag of £9,990.

The Vauxhall Corsa is another popular car within the segment and you will find 7,288 cars for sale featuring an average selling price of £7,998. The VW Golf VII holds its ground as the third most attractive option with an average sales price of £14,490 and 5,112 units presently on offer in the UK. .

Considering an electric car?

Are you interested in the BMW 118 Cabriolet, while you're also contemplating a move to an electric car? The BMW 118 Cabriolet is not electrified. But if you are not necessarily set on the BMW 118 Cabriolet then, let us present some alternative electric car choices within the same segment. This list includes:

Not satisfied with the electric car options you've seen? Examine our full lineup of electric cars here.

All fuel types for BMW 118 Cabriolet

All years for BMW 118 Cabriolet

All gear types for BMW 118 Cabriolet

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All trim level for BMW 118 Cabriolet